Motorola c300

Motorola c300 * rf safe® radio frequency safe

Motorola C300 Radiation Levels

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Motorola C300 — SAR Levels

FCC SAR Levels

  • FCC Approval Date This is the date the phone SAR test was completed before the phone’s release to the public as required by law. 03 November 2014

  • US SAR Ratings USA Legal Limit is 1.6 W/kg USA Legal Limit is 1.6 W/kg — FCC SAR testing is measured in watts per kilogram (or W/kg) averaged over ONE gram of simulated biological tissue.

  • Head SAR Level SAR test when held against your head when only using cellular service. Wifi and other transmitter are NOT active N/A

  • Body SAR Level SAR test when held against your body only using cellular service. Wifi and other transmitter are NOT active N/A

  • Product Specific Use SAR test when held against your body only using the phone as a hotspot. Cellular and other transmitter are NOT active N/A

  • Simultaneous Transmission The highest possible SAR recorded with ALL transmitters active, Cellular, WiFi, and Hotspot N/A

  • Simultaneous Head The highest possible SAR test when held against your HEAD with cellular and WiFi transmitters active, N/A

  • Simultaneous Body The highest possible SAR test when held against your BODY with cellular and WiFi transmitters active, N/A

  • Hotspot SAR The highest possible SAR test when held against your BODY using the phone as a hotspot with cellular and WiFi transmitters active, N/A

EU SAR Level

  • EU SAR Ratings European Legal Limit is 2.0 W/kg — EU SAR testing is measured in watts per kilogram (or W/kg) averaged over TEN grams of simulated biological tissue.

  • Head SAR Level N/A

  • Body SAR Level N/A

Motorola C300

Motorola C300 — SAR Levels

FCC SAR Levels

  • FCC Approval Date This is the date the phone SAR test was completed before the phone’s release to the public as required by law. 03 November 2014

  • US SAR Ratings USA Legal Limit is 1.6 W/kg USA Legal Limit is 1.6 W/kg — FCC SAR testing is measured in watts per kilogram (or W/kg) averaged over ONE gram of simulated biological tissue.

  • Head SAR Level SAR test when held against your head when only using cellular service. Wifi and other transmitter are NOT active N/A

  • Body SAR Level SAR test when held against your body only using cellular service. Wifi and other transmitter are NOT active N/A

  • Product Specific Use SAR test when held against your body only using the phone as a hotspot. Cellular and other transmitter are NOT active N/A

  • Simultaneous Transmission The highest possible SAR recorded with ALL transmitters active, Cellular, WiFi, and Hotspot N/A

  • Simultaneous Head The highest possible SAR test when held against your HEAD with cellular and WiFi transmitters active, N/A

  • Simultaneous Body The highest possible SAR test when held against your BODY with cellular and WiFi transmitters active, N/A

  • Hotspot SAR The highest possible SAR test when held against your BODY using the phone as a hotspot with cellular and WiFi transmitters active, N/A

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